How To Complete Program 2 Fun Park In The Outlast Trials


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Mar 21, 2023

How To Complete Program 2 Fun Park In The Outlast Trials

We hope you like mannequins. The only way to level up and reach Project X is by

We hope you like mannequins.

The only way to level up and reach Project X is by completing the previous Programs in full. Program 2 Fun Park is the second set of missions in The Outlast Trials that introduce a new enemy. The maps in this program are based on the Prime Asset Mother Gooseberry and her deadly puppet.

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Just as with the first Program, there will be two harder versions of the main Fun Park trial, as well as MK-Challenges. All of these need to be completed in order to get an overall grading for Program 2. This guide will detail how to complete the main objectives for each trial.

Your first objective is to reach the Root Canal ride. While you traverse through the beginning portion of this map, you will be safe from enemies. There will only be Pouncers and passive enemies that only hit you if you get close.

Once you open the co-op gate near the end, enemies will be around. To reach the Root Canal ride, find a bloody diner in the center of the map. To the right of the diner is the Root Canal ride, which is currently unavailable.

You need three tickets to activate the entrance to the ride.

To get tickets, you must win carnival games that involve hitting targets. To hit the targets, you need the hearts in the bloody buckets inside the diner.

Throw a heart at the target above the locked gate inside the diner.

This will open a third passageway for the diner.

The four metal cans in the middle of the diner contain hearts that you can actually pick up and keep in your inventory. The hard part about this section of the trial is that you must abandon the useful items in your inventory for these hearts.

The locations of the three carnival games are random each time you start this trial. There will be multiple maps around the carnival, like in the image above, that will show you where you need to go. The boxes that have an active light on them are the games you want to go to.

When you complete a game, the light on the map will turn off so that you know what game is left.

All you must do to complete a carnival game is throw the hearts at the moving targets. It is the same for each game.

You will want to get rid of anything in your inventory. It is preferable to drop your items in a safe place where you can remember them so that you can retrieve them if need be.

Fill your inventory with hearts and head to one of the carnival games.

For each game, you will need to hit three targets. It is best to hit three your first time so that you do not have to keep running back and forth to collect more hearts. The more back and forth you do, the more you must deal with the enemies running around.

After winning a carnival game, the back door will open and you must retrieve the winning ticket. You must loop around the stall in order to access the back door.

Once you retrieve the ticket, small gates on the counter will lower, allowing you to jump over the counter instead of taking the long way back. This also means that enemies can jump over the counter and get you.

Each ticket must be inserted into the machine across from the diner where you get your hearts. Once the three tickets have been inserted, the shuttle doors behind the machine will unlock. This allows you to enter the next part of the trial.

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This is the hardest part of Program 2 Fun Park. Your mission is to push the card full of mannequin children to the end of the ride. The water along the ride will slow you down. This makes escaping chases very complicated.

Not only will you have enemies spawning right beside you, but you must focus on pushing the cart and can't really run far due to the water.

When you first start pushing the cart, there will be a barricade to stop you. You must turn off the power to the barricade in order to continue. To do so, follow the wires from the barricade.

Turning off the power supply will follow the same mechanic as disarming a trap.

After getting rid of the first barricade, a second one will pop up immediately. Find the power supplies to disarm then continue with the cart. The cart will automatically go up the ramp and through the fire.

You can go through the fire, or you can take the exit to the right side of the ramp to reach the second level.

When going through ramps that spew fire, you must wait for each fire spout to diminish. It is a waiting game as you wait for the next fire to shoot and then turn off.

Most people will not have time to wait for the fire when there are enemies around, which is why using the door to the right or helping a buddy up to the second level using the co-op wall is better.

After the second barricade and fire ramp, the cart will eventually stop again, and you must raise the water level by accessing four different valves.

Look up on the wall, left side of the cart to notice color-coated pipes in the wall. They are labeled A, B, C, and D. Follow each pipe to find the correct valves. The pipes are color-coated and overlap similar colored pipes, so you must pay attention to the one you've been following since the beginning,

There are valves around the map that are not connected to the water levels. If you turn the wrong valve, you will not only waste time but lose sanity.

The door just before the last fire ramp will connect to the lower levels.

There is also a door and a co-op wall to the right side of the cart, behind the decorations, that will also lead to other areas without having to use the fire ramp.

To the left of the cart is a hole you can safely jump down from to access the lower section.

After turning all the necessary valves, you must push the children down the second fire trap and then continue pushing them to the end of the road. The end of the road will be a big grinder that will crush them. This part will take a while.

Someone has to keep hold of the cart and push the children into the grinder, while the other distracts. It takes a while to push them completely into the grinder, which is why you need someone to distract the enemies.

There are two areas you can run through to lose enemies. There are doors to the left and right of this area. Both doors will lead to the other levels of the ride and have a bunch of connecting doors for you to slow enemies down.

Close every door behind you while being chased in order to slow down an enemy and potentially lose them.

Once the children are destroyed, do not run up the fire ramp in a panic. It takes too long to wait for the fire to diminish, and the enemies will not be harmed by it when chasing you.

The grinder will open, revealing a shortcut back to the beginning of the ride where you entered from the diner. You can run all the way back through the ride, but it's best to wait for the grinder to open after destroying the cart.

Follow the waypoint in the world, leading you back to the shuttles to exit the trial.

Grind The Bad Apples Challenge Modes

The third trial will have the same title, Grind The Bad Apples, but will have three dots under the title.

It is three times as hard as the original trial and has the tags High Density, Extra Traps, and Unreliable Doors. This means that there will be trap doors, sound traps, and way more enemies in the trial.

Rewards are 1,500 XP, 500 Coins, a Cosmetic, and an extra 1000 for Grade A.

The last trial is called EXAM: Grind The Bad Apples, with six dots under the title.

It is six times as hard as the original trial and has the tags Increased Traps, Increased Threat, Limited Intel, Limited Hidespots, Unreliable Doors, and Limited Items.

Apart from more enemies spawning and more traps around the trial, enemies will also do more damage and withstand more. There will not be many places to hide, and you won't be able to find a lot of healing or information about what to do next in the mission.

You will probably want upgraded Rigs and Amps to survive this level.

Rewards are 1,500 XP, 500 Coins, a Cosmetic, and an extra 1000 for Grade A.

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MK-Challenges will sometimes change maps and they will be tougher than the original trial. They serve as extra rewards but must be completed in order to get a complete grade for that program overall.

There are three mannequin children that you must find and destroy. You must haul them back to the meat grinder. The children act as heavy objects that will slow down your movement.

The location of each mannequin will be randomized each time you play this trial. In the center of the meat grinder room, there is a map that will indicate what area still has a mannequin. When the light turns off above a child's face, that means you have collected the mannequin from that area.

To remove a mannequin, you must follow the wire connected to it to find a button that will power it down.

When you grab the mannequin from its place and carry it off, it will start crying out, which can alert enemies.

If you are playing with others, use a teammate to distract enemies while you lug the mannequin child back to the grinder.

As a solo player, it is important to know that you can throw bottles or bricks to distract enemies from your current location, not only to stun them.

Once all three mannequins have been thrown away, you must run back to the beginning of the map and return to the shuttle.

Both MK-Challenges use the same map. Similar to powering off the barricades during the Push The Children objective, you must find the power supply to each gate to reach the end of the map.

There is only one area to go at the beginning, up the stairs. Follow the wires on the floor to find three different power outputs that you must disarm in the same manner you disarm door traps.

This will open the gate back down in the center of the room, where the grinder is. From this gate, you will enter the carnival. You must find three power supplies once again to unlock the next gate, and then the next.

Each gate will have three red lights above it to indicate how many power supplies are still active.

The third and last gate will be your exit ticket and will lead to the shuttles to escape the trial.

Next: The Outlast Trials: Every Amp, Ranked

A small-town Canadian with a passion for writing, gaming, and animals. She writes by day and helps animals by night. What started with creative writing blossomed into sharing her gaming passion with the world. Sharnelle has been working with TheGamer for three years as a writer and is currently back in school for Massage Therapy. Her interests lie in fantasy adventure games and well-brewed black tea.

The Outlast Trials the beginning portion of this map, you will be safe from enemies THEGAMER VIDEO OF THE DAY SCROLL TO CONTINUE WITH CONTENT To reach the Root Canal ride, find a bloody diner in the center of the map You need three tickets you must win carnival games you need the hearts in the bloody buckets inside the diner. above the locked gate inside the diner abandon the useful items in your inventory for these hearts are random multiple maps around the carnival active light the light on the map will turn off throw the hearts at the moving targets drop your items in a safe place you will need to hit three targets the back door will open and you must retrieve the winning ticket Once you retrieve the ticket, small gates on the counter will lower Once the three tickets have been inserted, the shuttle doors behind the machine will unlock This is the hardest part of Program 2 Fun Park The water along the ride will slow you down a barricade follow the wires from the barricade you can take the exit to the right side of the ramp you must wait for each fire spout to diminish using the door to the right or helping a buddy up to the second level using the co-op wall is better raise the water level color-coated pipes in the wall Follow each pipe to find the correct valves. If you turn the wrong valve, you will not only waste time but lose sanity. a door and a co-op wall to the right side of the cart a hole a big grinder that will crush them Someone has to keep hold of the cart and push the children into the grinder, while the other distracts distract the enemies two areas . Both doors will lead to the other levels of the ride Close every door behind you revealing a shortcut back to the beginning of the ride Trial Rewards: 1500 XP, 500 Credits, and a Cosmetic. Additional 1000 for a Grade A. Grind The Bad Apples Challenge Modes High Density, Extra Traps, and Unreliable Doors Rewards are 1,500 XP, 500 Coins, a Cosmetic, and an extra 1000 for Grade A. EXAM: Grind The Bad Apples Increased Traps, Increased Threat, Limited Intel, Limited Hidespots, Unreliable Doors, and Limited Items. Rewards are 1,500 XP, 500 Coins, a Cosmetic, and an extra 1000 for Grade A. The children act as heavy objects The location of each mannequin will be randomized each time you play this trial there is a map that will indicate what area still has a mannequin. follow the wire connected to it to find a button it will start crying out use a teammate to distract enemies throw bottles or bricks to distract enemies Trial Rewards: 750 XP, 250 Credits, and a Cosmetic Additional 500 Credits for a Grade A find the power supply to each gate up the stairs three different power outputs that you must disarm find three power supplies once again three red lights how many power supplies are still active. Trial Rewards: 750 XP, 250 Credits, and a Cosmetic. Additional 500 Credits for a Grade A.