Applying Gate Valves with Rotary Airlocks in Pneumatic Conveying


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Oct 13, 2023

Applying Gate Valves with Rotary Airlocks in Pneumatic Conveying

Powder Bulk Solids Staff | Apr 25, 2017 Whether it be agriculture, chemicals,

Powder Bulk Solids Staff | Apr 25, 2017

Whether it be agriculture, chemicals, food, minerals, plastics, textiles, or other industry sectors, the most common practice for handling dry bulk solids in a dilute-phase production process is to feed material from a silo through a rotary airlock and into a positive pressure pneumatic conveying system. This material conveying method is most logical across industries due to its efficiencies and relative affordability. As most pneumatic conveying systems are equipped to support pressures of no greater than 15 psig (1 bar), the airlock is a standardized mechanism that supports these benefits and possesses the versatility to handle most dry bulk materials, making it a popular option. However, while such a configuration is beneficial for the movement of material from multiple silos through a single conveying system, flaws in the system's design may negatively impact the overall performance of a manufacturing process.

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Solution One: Installing a Pneumatic Gate Valve above a Rotary Airlock Solution Two: Installing a Pneumatic Gate above and below a Rotary Airlock Summary